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Showing posts from June, 2023

Navigating the thorny issue of persuasion in health communication

Health communication plays a crucial role in shaping attitudes and behaviors that impact the well-being of individuals and communities.  However, the notion of persuasion in public health communication has become a subject of concern, as it raises questions about how government agencies and experts address knowledge gaps and public ignorance. In the social media communicational landscapes of today, health officers tend to tread carefully to avoid appearing patronizing or paternalistic. Nuanced landscape for health communication in the age of  social media (Created with content of this post  via OpenAI ) Navigating language and perception As revealed by Charles Briggs' interviews with health officials in California, there is unease regarding certain words used in health campaigns.  Terms like "message," "public," and "target" are perceived as projecting a top-down approach and demographic profiling.  To address this concern, some of Brigg’s intervie